Friday, December 25, 2009

A Merry Monkeytown Christmas!


Please note that there is NO December jam...officially anyways, if you want to show up and doodle, that's fine!

Next official jam is Monday, JANUARY 25.

Here's to another great year, and we'll see you in January!

Thursday, October 22, 2009


C'est le Monkeytown Comix Jam: Monday, September 28 October 26 at the Laundromat (corner St.-George and Cameron.)

Les jams commencent vers 19h/ Jams start around 7pm.

Catch toi there!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

September Jammin'

C'est le Monkeytown Comix Jam: Monday, September 28 at the Laundromat (corner St.-George and Cameron.)

Les jams commencent vers 19h/ Jams start around 7pm.

Catch toi there!

Gene Day Award for Canadian Self-Publishers / Le Prix Gene Day pour editeurs Direct Canadian de Bandes Dessinees

Hurray for ex-Monkeytowner Jesse Jacobs, his "Blue Winter, Shapes in the Snow" took home of the "Gene Day Award for Canadian Self-Publishers" at the 2009 Joe Schuster awards!

Friday, August 28, 2009


Postings have been conspicuously absent lately, my apologies!

As some of you may know: Tim Moerman, the Monkeytown Comix Jam's founder, coordinator & apologist was accepted to school in Denmark, a country known best for its bountiful aroma. I'm sure Tim will be sending us updates and I'll post pics if he sends 'em!

And on that note: YES! We are jammin' (Tim-less) on the 31st!

C'est le Monkeytown Comix Jam:

Monday, AUGUST 31st at the Laundromat (corner St.-George and Cameron.)

Les jams commencent vers 19h/ Jams start around 7pm.

Catch toi there!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


C'est le Monkeytown Comix Jam: Monday/Lundi, May/Mai 25 at the Laundromat (corner St.-George and Cameron.)

Les jams commencent vers 19h/ Jams start around 7pm.

Catch toi there!

Monkeytown Jammers update!

Monkeytown Comix Jammer Brian Roy out sketching despite the wind, rain, bird crap, molesting-squirrels, mutant bumblebees, nosy photographers!

Monkeytown Comix Jammer Jesse Jacobs didn't take home any awards last week...he lost out to equally amazing Halifax-inkster Kate Beacon. Still, a nomination is nothing to sneeze at surely rumours of book-deals are in Jesse's not to distant future. Let us know if you hear anything!

Friday, January 23, 2009


C'est le Monkeytown Comix Jam: Monday, January 26 at the Laundromat (corner St.-George and Cameron.)

Les jams commencent vers 19h/ Jams start around 7pm.

Catch toi there!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

1st Jam of la Nouvelle Année!

We're furiously scanning in Jam pages in anticipation of the very first Monkeytown Comix Jam mini-comic!

Come on out and contribute to the next book this Monday, January 26th!